
Traveling can be very stressful for guinea pigs.  If you are traveling to the vet, it’s a necessary trip.  Make sure you have taken the time get your guinea pig used to its carrying case.  When you’re going to the vet and the guinea pig isn’t used to its carrying case, you’ll stress your guinea pig even more than the illness or trip itself.

Never leave your guinea pig in the car.  A car can heat up to dangerous temperatures even on cool days and even with the windows open.

Never put the guinea pig in the baggage area of a plane or train.

If you are going on vacation, find a reliable baby sitter.  It can be a relative or friend, or a professional recommended by your vet.  Make sure you give the sitter strict and thorough instructions, and leave the phone number of your vet and of the after hours vet clinic.  Also include maps and driving instructions.

Explain to the sitter that your piggy is on a strict routine and diet, and giving treats may seem friendly, but it can be deadly if they are the wrong types. 

Be sure to give the sitter a phone number where you can be reached if there is a question or an emergency.
