Eyes, ears & nose

You should check your cavy’s eyes and ears every day.  If you see any injury, or if you see any crusty or runny stuff coming out of your cavy’s eyes, you should take her to a vet immediately.

You should also check your guinea pig’s ears regularly.  Guinea pigs are prone to excessive wax build-up.  For most, it’s normal, but for others it could mean there’s an infection or mites.  Be familiar with your cavy’s ears and their normal condition.  Check for unusual odors or appearances.  If there are any, see your vet.

If you want to clean your cavy’s ears, use a wet Q-tip with a gentle ear cleaner you got from your vet.  Never clean the inside of the ear!

Also, make sure there are no fluids coming out of your cavy’s nose.  If there is, see your vet.
